Please e-mail any questions, comments, or bugs to daniel.cer@cs.colorado.edu

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Description: Code to list the files & sub-directories contained within a user specified directory. For both Perl & Python, two scripts are given. One that uses each language's respective 'glob' support for listing files & directories that match a particular pattern, and one that uses simpler (/conceptually more-direct) routines provided by the two languages. Also, the Bourne shell code contains a 'for' loop even though technically this isn't necessary, but rather is just there to make the code modestly more interesting.

Languages: C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, Octave(/Matlab like), Scheme, and Bourne shell.

Source files:
ListFiles.c [raw code], ListFiles.cc [raw code], ListFiles.java [raw code], ListFiles.pl [raw code], ListFiles_glob.pl [raw code], ListFiles.py [raw code], ListFiles_glob.py [raw code], ListFiles.rb [raw code], ListFiles.m [raw code], ListFiles.scm [raw code], ListFiles.sh [raw code],

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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